Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric


Geotextile is a modern term in the textile industry. There are two types of geotextile fabric. One is woven, and the other is non-woven. If you are interested in textiles and desire to do something exceptional in this field, you must know about the non-woven geotextile drainage fabric.

In this article, you will acquire a complete knowledge of the non-woven geotextile drainage fabric. We will describe a non-woven geotextile fabric, its properties and characteristics, manufacturing processes, and, most importantly, its applications. So stay tuned and explore geotextiles.

What is Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric?

Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is a non-woven fabric used in the filtration and separation method. 

This geotextile was first invented in Egypt, and geotextile fabrics were being used in the ancient Egyptian pyramid for supporting the foundation. Besides, in the Roman period, geotextile was used for roadway work to separate different soil layers.

Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric
Figure: What is Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric

Now, the non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is used for assisting in civil engineering projects. This amazing fabric is used on roads and parking lots to prevent losing particles, make the structure strong, increase strength, boost lifespan, and monitor erosion. Geotextile similarly is employed for separating the soil layers in a construction.

The non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is primarily used to warp French drains in connection with subsurface drainage solution and beneath rock riprap revetment.


1. Components of Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric 

 They are made from natural materials like jute, bamboo, etc., and also from synthetic plastics. So they can be organic and synthetic according to your preference of function. If you need organic products, you can use non-woven geotextiles made from jute or bamboo.

2. Thickness and size

Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is thicker than woven geotextile because non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is utilized in the drain to make a layer between the water and configuration. If the thickness is not very high, it could not protect the drain from water damage. There are different kinds of sizes for the fabric. You can get whatever size you want.

3. Particle arranging pattern 

 The fibre and particles of non-woven geotextile drainage fabric are arranged randomly without any specific pattern. In woven fabric, you can find a diagram for arranging fabric elements, but in non-woven fabric, there is no pattern; it arranges unsystematically.

4. Blocking microorganism outbreak 

Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric reduces microorganism outbreaks like fungal and algae attacks by blocking the network’s pores and water. 

5. Operating section 

This non-woven geotextile material is used in roadside work, parking lots and drainage systems.

6. Expanding lifespan of the structure

The main function of non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is to formulate an extra layer between your construction and other components like soil or water. As this fabric separates soil or water from the structure, the lifespan will expand higher than before.


Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric
Properties of Non Woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric
Specific gravityCotton: 1.55, polyethylene: 0.91 – 0.95
Weight    100 to 1000 g/m^2
Thickness    0.25 mm to 7.5 mm
Stiffness    Enable
Porosity    Allow fluid to flow right.
Permeability    Depending on the fabric material

Manufacturing Process of Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric

  •  Collecting raw materials

First, you need to collect all your raw materials. For non-woven geotextiles, your raw materials will be cotton from jute or bamboo, polyester, polypropylene, polyethene, polyamide, biodegradable raw substances and so on.

  • Fibre production

A spinneret is used for making fibre from the raw stuff, and a spinneret is a machine operated to extrude a polymer to form endless filaments. Here you can use your demanded polymer to make continuous fibre.

  •    Sheet production

The tool name die is used for sheet production. You can get your fibre as a shape of the sheet in this process.

  • Rolling fibre

After getting the continuous fibre, you should roll it on a fibre roller, and it will help to get wrap fibre.

  • Fibre crimping

Your rolling fibre will be gone into fibre crimping tools and receive a three-dimensional format in this process.  

  • Cutting device

By the cutting device, you will get staple fibre from the filaments.

  • Carding process

Now staple fibre lay down on a conveyor belt and various sizes of drams with needles running in different directions. It makes a good distribution of fibre and establishes proper thickness.

  • Bonding process

The last step is the bonding process. After this process, you will get a roll of non-woven geotextile fabric.

  • Packaging

Now, you can package your products according to your needed size and shape.

Application Area of non-woven geotextile

Non woven Geotextile Drainage Fabric
Area of non-woven geotextile Drainage Fabric

Waterproof products manufacturing

You can make waterproof products from non-woven geotextile fabric. So the product quality will be superior with a huge shelf life. Plus, waterproofing products are protected from water. So you can use this in rainy conditions and a river or pond at any time. It is a great aspect for all of us.

Stress reduction

The design of non-woven geotextile is based on the stress reduction policy, which helps prevent reflective cracking and stop the movement of the road layers. So the road becomes smooth for driving.

Drainage system improving

Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric brings a massive improvement in the drainage system. Now, this fabric is being used for making a covering of the drain bottom. So the water you can easily separate from each other. So the structure is prevented from being damaged and has a long lifespan.


You can use a non-woven geotextile for separating any level from others. In the road and parking lot, the geotextile is used widely. It supports the structure and upgrades stability and durability.


Filtration is one of the most important applications of non-woven geotextile; you can filter your desired product from any contaminants. This filtration process is used in the lab in a huge percentage.


As the non-woven geotextile fabric creates a layer from the soil, water, or other factors, It protects the structure from loss and destruction. Further, this fabric reduces microorganism attacks


Textile is dependent on the clothing sector, and you will get many categories to work with the textile field. Non-woven geotextile drainage fabric is one of them. This fabric influences civil engineering and helps to build a strong layout. And if you can use biodegradable materials for your manufacturing process, you can save the environment from the risky impact.

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